It's that time of year... when most of us contemplate the things that really matter, the things that would really make a difference. One of the first things that always comes to my mind is PEACE. Peace in my own little life, peace in my family's, peace in my country, and in the world. It's a big desire, a huge goal... overwhelming sometimes. Best if it starts small, I guess. With ourselves... we do what we can to put it out there, right? Well, here's my offering for the season of wishing peace, and joy and happiness. Some PEACE beads. I hope to make more soon.
Some of them were inspired by this graffiti wall:
And others by the love of this metallic glass over ivory - I adore the way it makes the ivory crackle and "stain". All have the Peace symbol on one side, and then something else on the back side - except for the purple one, obviously.