Tuesday, June 29, 2010


The Blue Between Studio is in a book! How exciting! Page 84 - I can't wait to get my copy to see it for myself. If I remember correctly... Zoe and a pumpkin are on the porch. It's been awhile since Alex asked me for a photo.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Vegas, Baby!

My birthday gift this year (which was months ago, but we waited until school got out) was a trip to Vegas and Cirque tix. We just got back - it was a blast. We had way too much fun, all G-rated of course, except for the first day when the pool was full of drunk party-goers, and I had to fight the urge to cover my kid's eyes every two seconds. What a place. We will go back someday, for sure.

A Customer Necklace

One of my bead customers mailed me a photo of a necklace she made with one of my beads - it's fantastic, don't you think? I love all the strands to balance out the big bead - and then the surprise that she strung it horizontally - I always think of them as vertical, but that shows you what I know!

You can find this necklace for sale on MC2Works Etsy Shop.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Exciting Times!!

The Braves were undefeated this year - they just kept winning, game after game after game - and now they are the Super 9's Champions! Makes sitting out in the cold and wind and rain for the past 4 months almost worth it!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Meet D-Ribose - my new best friend.

D-Ribose. I love this stuff. I've been taking it for a week now and my energy level has doubled. And I don't ache and my heart isn't scaring me any more. Seriously... this is good stuff. I even found the energy to paint my bedroom - something I've been wanting to do for a year.

Healthy bodies make it on their own, but chronically ill bodies, especially when you have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome... which is all related to thyroid disease as many of the symptoms overlap, can use the help. At least that's what I've been reading, and what my experience trying it out has shown, so far.

I'm only posting because I think so many of my beader friends suffer from low energy and may want to look into it too. You can read all about it here: D-Ribose—A Very Powerful and Natural Body Energizer.