Saturday, March 31, 2012

366: Day 91

What a great day, even if it was pouring down rain - we saw real live wild snowy owls! In Canada! And bald eagles! And herons! And ducks and geese and red winged black birds.... and I took 100s of photos. And there is no room on my computer to download them, so you can't see any of them and neither can I! Tomorrow.

Friday, March 30, 2012

366: Day 90

We didn't win, but it was fun to dream.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

366: Day 88

The zoo, in the sun, and the rain, with a boy who is as happy as I am to take pictures... hundreds of pictures. It's good.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

366: Day 87

Silly. I know. But it makes me laugh. Found in a bathroom stall, of course.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Texture Tuesday: Pink

Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday theme this week is pink. It's the right time of year for pink, isn't it? My neighborhood is all pink trees in bloom right now. And yellow pollen on my black car. Ah, color!

Here is a new pink shot, with Kim's "Be Still" texture at Linear Burn, a black and white layer, a Pioneer Woman action, a green gradient layer and some hue/sat and levels adjustments.

And here is the original out of the camera:


366: Day 86

Three good things...according to Luke: "I did Drama. I got a hug. And... I got licked by a dog. AND I got BACON!" 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

366: Day 85

Tonight I go to bed looking forward to tomorrow's coffee.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

366: Day 84

Three good things: a quiet day, much needed. some sunshine, much needed. and the chickens gave me 4 eggs, also much needed as I was down to 2. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

366: Day 83

Three good things: Sunshine. Sunshine, Sunshine. And... temps heading toward the 60's finally... it's been the coldest March, maybe that's coming to an end! And also, the Sounder's play tonight. Yay!

Beyond Layers Color Week ~ Red

Phew! This week made me tired! I loved every bit of it... but I should never have committed myself to so many pictures each day! LOL, I do it to myself, I know.  Here's RED.

366: Day 81

Skiing, in the sunshine, with the family, and perfect snow... it doesn't get better than it was today!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

366: Day 80

First day of spring! Doesn't feel like it! Brrr.... I think we'll go skiing tomorrow. So there.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Texture Tuesday - B&W

This week's Texture Tuesday is Black & White, any surprise? Good thing I've had lots of practice ;) I like this one. It's got a couple of Pioneer Woman actions, B&W adjustment, and a couple layers of Kim Klassen's Aurora texture at different blend modes. Thanks for looking!

Beyond Layers: Color Week ~ Green!

I am so happy it's color week. I'm all about color. And texture. And color. Happy Happy. Even if I did get yelled at by the produce manager for taking these pictures.

Tomorrow is yellow. Yippee!

366: Day 79

Not my best day today. Started out ok with sunshine and sparkling white snow... but went downhill when I got a face full of snow while cleaning off the car (don't ask) and then when I got yelled at by the produce manager at the grocery store for taking photos of peppers and asparagus... and then it started raining again. Tomorrow is a new day.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

366: Day 78

yard cleaning day, house cleaning day, crab cake day. Plus setting up the tripod and snapping bird pictures all. day. long.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

366: Day 77 (I think.)

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Happy start to the Sounders season!

Friday, March 16, 2012

366: Day 76

Three good things. The sun came out today, that was very good. We survived going into a dangerous lake park even if we scared ourselves a bit. We found a really amazing soccer coach for personal training, and the boy is good and tired. I always think I've been successful if I've managed to ensure that the boy is tired out by the end of the day... it's no small feat, you know. And neither are these... his feet are officially bigger than mine now. 

Here is the heart photo, original.

and here it is with stars, silly :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beyond Layers ~ Day 16 B&W

So... this is good, we learned how to adjust to B&W in the ACR - Adobe Camera Ready editor - plus, I'm loving shooting in RAW, I think it makes a huge difference.

All the B&W shots I've shared earlier this week, I converted using Pioneer Woman Actions or with Nelly Nero actions... or combinations of actions. This one, I only followed Kim's instructions. I like it. I may go back and put an action on it too... at some point because I'm loving the magic of PW's actions. They are just so moody. (OK, update here: the actions don't work if you convert to B&W in the ACR... so... I had to mess around on my own trying to make some magic... maybe I did, maybe I didn't, but a gradient helped in the second one, and the last two have a gaussian blur layer at a couple of different blend modes.)

I've also decided I really only like B&W if it's dramatic, lots of contrast, lots of dark. Of course I may change my mind at some future date... but that's what I think today.

and one last one, to compare to yesterday's moss photos - I really, REALLY, love this new control I have over all of it! Wow!