Thursday, February 19, 2009

Underwater Inspiration

The Aquarium is one of the most inspiring places we visit. I just love it there. The tide pools, the sea stars, the octopus, all the reef aquariums... and nature's amazing color combinations that wow and pop and rock my world. I can't wait to get a chance to melt some glass and see what kind of beads today's eye candy will percolate in my head.

mouth fish

sea stars



  1. Great photos! Wow!

  2. I can completely see why you get inspired by these creatures with your art! Both very beautiful!

  3. i love visiting the aquarium...i can wait to see what you create...i know the word will be spectacular!...

  4. SO GLAD I POPPED IN before I closed my eyes tonight..
    so close we could touch...
    gorgeous work..& blog

    wasn't it gorgeous today..!!

    mona & the girls
    ps.. 1 more that loves fiber&glass

  5. Same with me - the underwater is such an inspiration. I even became a scuba instructor so I could work under it for a while!
    Love your photo of the cruising porcupine/puffer fish - very cute!
    My real fave is cephalopods though!!!
