Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

It was a good one this year, even with the rain. There was also some sun, though no rainbows. The boys tried very hard to let me have my way about everything. They made me waffles for breakfast:


And while they cleaned up that big mess, I fit in a long walk with Zoe the dog - we saw an eagle being harrased by a crow - over and over again - though the eagle seemed quite able to ignore it. I kept thinking the crow would soon be lunch, but it didn't happen before we walked on. Also found a half a robin's egg, someone had found it before me and placed it on a rhody bud - a beautiful gift. And then we took a new road and found a new shortcut path between neighborhoods - I always like finding those.

Then we all took a long ride out to farm country to look for rusty things. I wanted an old wagon wheel, but found this lovely thing instead. It's a tiller blade. I think I'll hang it on my studio. I also got a horseshoe and an old key.


Hope your Mother's Day was a good one too.

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