Sunday, April 30, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Five Fun Things I'm Going to Do Today.
And Three Things I'm NOT going to do. First the fun things:
I'm going to order new business cards with my new address.
I'm going to order a new oxycon since that old one just doesn't want to work.
I'm going to research my new camera purchase.
I'm going to plant some strawberries. And maybe some pumpkins.
I'm going to paint over my art class painting and do it MY way, instead of my teacher's way.
And what I'm not going to do:
I am not going to drive to Carnation.
I am not going to pack a box or 10 or 20.
I am not going to worry about what is going to happen next with the sale of our house.
And what I'm not going to do:
Monday, April 24, 2006
Hello Sand
Sung to the tune of Frere Jacques, more or less: "I'm wearing barefeet. I'm wearing barefeet. With my Moma." (giggles)

Saturday, April 22, 2006
Today is Earth Day - Happy Earth day.
I don't think there has ever been a season in my life where I've witnessed so many huge old trees being felled as I have this spring. We've been doing a lot of driving, from Edmonds to Carnation to Fall City and back again. We do this way too many times in a week, at a time when gas prices are rising like crazy and all I want to do is settle into my new home and make it livable. Where I can have my organics delivered and my farm fresh milk delivered and walk Luke to school… oh yes, I was talking about the trees. Falling all around me. On the sides of the highway where they are widening the road, or putting a new ramp in or maybe just building a bridge? I'm not sure. The bridge has all these stamped leaves in the concrete though, pretty. Perhaps a tribute to all the trees they've killed to make this bridge/road happen. Trees that fall in slow motion, bending, creaking… crashing.
Then there is the old country road that goes from Redmond to Carnation. They must be widening that by a couple of lanes - there are horrible orange nettings all along the sides of the roads slicing a line in the marsh lands and farm lands and forests… and it is in this area that more huge old cedars and maples have fallen before my eyes. A graveyard of branches and stumps left behind, an open sore where there should be a wall of new spring green baby leaves growing among the evergreens. Earth being moved and filled in with big sharp rocks and driven over and over again by huge machines. Quaint barns and old farm houses once set comfortably off the road are now right next to the road, or what will be when they are done. My favorite old gingerbread brick farm house with the old glass windows… now sitting right in the middle of all the construction, a chunk of their pretty fenced in yard taken over by the state I guess.
And then there are the mansions going in behind the carnation house, my Tree House. Tree after tree fell, and then the burning for weeks. Not very earth friendly at all. It broke my heart to watch that lovely forest, home to our family of deer and the two raccoons who used to come and eat the cat food on the porch… and the great old owl who hoots in the night, fall away, crash down, and go up in smoke. All to build yet another mansion. The deer will find new beds, the raccoons will find new trees. Who knows where the owl will go.
Progress. Change. I'm sure there are people excited about these things. Perhaps the apartments along side the road will get more light, emergency drivers will be glad to have a more direct route off the highway to the hospital, the gingerbread house owners should have gotten paid a nice sum for their chunk of front yard… and the new owners of the Tree House will probably get sunset views now (though I think I'd still prefer to look east from that location at sunset, the mountains get so orange and then purple sometimes) and perhaps there are new opportunities for landscaping back there now… who knows.
What I know is that today, even though life is crazy right now and we are in the throes of moving and wasting gas driving back and forth, back and forth… I'm going to plant something. Today. In between moving and packing and cleaning. I will plant something in memory of all the trees that have fallen in front of my eyes this spring. A little tree, or a shrub of some sort, that will grow big and strong, I don't know, I need to see what is available at the nursery still… just a little something to make up for one little stretch of new concrete, for one tree that went up in smoke. And I will continue to dream of the day when I can stop burning through the gas and settle in to our new, Green life in the city.
Then there is the old country road that goes from Redmond to Carnation. They must be widening that by a couple of lanes - there are horrible orange nettings all along the sides of the roads slicing a line in the marsh lands and farm lands and forests… and it is in this area that more huge old cedars and maples have fallen before my eyes. A graveyard of branches and stumps left behind, an open sore where there should be a wall of new spring green baby leaves growing among the evergreens. Earth being moved and filled in with big sharp rocks and driven over and over again by huge machines. Quaint barns and old farm houses once set comfortably off the road are now right next to the road, or what will be when they are done. My favorite old gingerbread brick farm house with the old glass windows… now sitting right in the middle of all the construction, a chunk of their pretty fenced in yard taken over by the state I guess.
And then there are the mansions going in behind the carnation house, my Tree House. Tree after tree fell, and then the burning for weeks. Not very earth friendly at all. It broke my heart to watch that lovely forest, home to our family of deer and the two raccoons who used to come and eat the cat food on the porch… and the great old owl who hoots in the night, fall away, crash down, and go up in smoke. All to build yet another mansion. The deer will find new beds, the raccoons will find new trees. Who knows where the owl will go.
Progress. Change. I'm sure there are people excited about these things. Perhaps the apartments along side the road will get more light, emergency drivers will be glad to have a more direct route off the highway to the hospital, the gingerbread house owners should have gotten paid a nice sum for their chunk of front yard… and the new owners of the Tree House will probably get sunset views now (though I think I'd still prefer to look east from that location at sunset, the mountains get so orange and then purple sometimes) and perhaps there are new opportunities for landscaping back there now… who knows.
What I know is that today, even though life is crazy right now and we are in the throes of moving and wasting gas driving back and forth, back and forth… I'm going to plant something. Today. In between moving and packing and cleaning. I will plant something in memory of all the trees that have fallen in front of my eyes this spring. A little tree, or a shrub of some sort, that will grow big and strong, I don't know, I need to see what is available at the nursery still… just a little something to make up for one little stretch of new concrete, for one tree that went up in smoke. And I will continue to dream of the day when I can stop burning through the gas and settle in to our new, Green life in the city.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I'm planning on making some more tomorrow, so hopefully there will be some more of those bright summer blue and aquas soon. Thanks for looking!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Seeing Spots
Oh my. Twenty glass flowers made for 20 things, plus one for Luke and one extra just in case... annealing in the kiln right now. And some other things that have me seeing spots.

And here is a little look at what the 20 things are going to look like:
And here is a little look at what the 20 things are going to look like:
Monday, April 17, 2006
Five Things That Make Me Smile
1. Tulips blooming in my yard:

2. Finally, being able to sign up for Pioneer Organics.
3. Bald Eagle Cam
4. Melting Glass:

5. Melting More Glass. And the possibility of doing it again tomorrow.
2. Finally, being able to sign up for Pioneer Organics.
3. Bald Eagle Cam
4. Melting Glass:
5. Melting More Glass. And the possibility of doing it again tomorrow.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Million Magnolias
It's soooooo cold and rainy. It really feels like winter. I have not had a beautiful blue-sky day yet to get "THE" magnolia picture I've been seeing in my head... and blossoms are getting little brown patches and falling to the ground like snow... so I'm thinking, maybe not this year after all. So here's a couple of rainy grey shots of my tree. Millions of magnolias... in the rain.

Friday, April 14, 2006
This Week, Or, TGIF
This has been a rough week, preparing the taxes by myself because Frank wanted to save some money this year was the final straw (yes, paying for two houses for going on 6 months has taken it's toll) - pushing me over the edge from my very precarious foothold of holding on... turning me into a thoroughly burned-out mess. It's been awful. My hair is falling out again and I've forgotten how to smile. I'm still trying to drag myself back up... but it's going to take awhile because I just don't bounce back like I used to. If I'd only known the house was going to be sold, and that Luke was going to be on vacation this week... if I'd only known a little bit sooner, I'd have scheduled that vacation to a warm beach - even if it was just Florida with the in-laws (which means not really on the beach and waking up with the sound of waves crashing, but driving distance to it, still very nice) - some sunshine and heat, laying by the pool and playing in the sand... it's what I really, really need, and probably the only thing that would have saved me from myself. But it's not to be... I'll have to do it the hard way, as usual.
There have been good and funny things that have happened this week, though they mostly involve Frank and Luke. Like the day I couldn't find a smile and asked Luke to name his 5 most favorite things for me, hoping he had the power to raise my vibrations for me. His list did me good:
1. I love my dogs.
2. I love my cats.
3. I love my family.
4. Chocolate Milkshakes.
5. Cherries.
We also went to our little old-fashioned movie theater downtown in Edmonds to see Ice Age 2 on opening weekend - it was fun - great theater, I'm happy we have it, so much nicer than the big loud ones they build now. Cash only though - will have to remember that next time.
Frank finally found the right parts, got them ordered, and has fixed my oxy-con. Everything is working again there - except of course it's there and I'm here and we will be packing it all up shortly anyway... so I'm not sure there are many glass beads in my future for awhile anyway.
Frank and Luke went and got hair cuts while I was at art class and somehow came home with purple (Frank) and green (Luke) hair. And Luke talked his dad into letting him paint his fingernails for him so they could have matching nails. All kinds of blues and purples with sparkles. Yes, they look like a couple of freaks. That's my family. Of course I don't have a photograph. That would have been priceless. I'm sure it will happen again someday. After all, Frank went to work with green hair today. Yes, he's 40 something, going on 14. Happy though, that's something, right?
And then yesterday seemed to be the best day in the forecast. It only said clouds all day and rain in the evening... all the other days said rain, rain, rain. So Luke and I loaded up and drove an hour and a half into progressively harder and harder rains... in denial, I tell you, because we were looking for fun and beauty - it was our main objective - had to find something beautiful to make me happy... something fun to make Luke's vacation a vacation... and the rain just kept coming down... cold rain... windy rain. Really miserable wintery rain, not at all warm happy spring rain. Not the kind of rain you can ignore when you are wanting to tiptoe through the tulips. Not frolicking in the tulips taking beautiful pictures kind of rain at all. Especially if you left your raincoats and umbrellas at home... so we ended up turning around and coming home... driving back out of the rains until we got home where it was only cloudy just like the weather report had promised. But at least we can say we got out of the house and drove in a new direction had an adventure of some sort.
And then the best news of course, is that taxes are done and we are getting an nice little refund back - even after I deduct my tax-preparer's fee, which, let me just say, will be stiff and cost Frank way more than we would have paid our regular accountant. Maybe there's a trip to a warm beach in my near future after all...
There have been good and funny things that have happened this week, though they mostly involve Frank and Luke. Like the day I couldn't find a smile and asked Luke to name his 5 most favorite things for me, hoping he had the power to raise my vibrations for me. His list did me good:
1. I love my dogs.
2. I love my cats.
3. I love my family.
4. Chocolate Milkshakes.
5. Cherries.
We also went to our little old-fashioned movie theater downtown in Edmonds to see Ice Age 2 on opening weekend - it was fun - great theater, I'm happy we have it, so much nicer than the big loud ones they build now. Cash only though - will have to remember that next time.
Frank finally found the right parts, got them ordered, and has fixed my oxy-con. Everything is working again there - except of course it's there and I'm here and we will be packing it all up shortly anyway... so I'm not sure there are many glass beads in my future for awhile anyway.
Frank and Luke went and got hair cuts while I was at art class and somehow came home with purple (Frank) and green (Luke) hair. And Luke talked his dad into letting him paint his fingernails for him so they could have matching nails. All kinds of blues and purples with sparkles. Yes, they look like a couple of freaks. That's my family. Of course I don't have a photograph. That would have been priceless. I'm sure it will happen again someday. After all, Frank went to work with green hair today. Yes, he's 40 something, going on 14. Happy though, that's something, right?
And then yesterday seemed to be the best day in the forecast. It only said clouds all day and rain in the evening... all the other days said rain, rain, rain. So Luke and I loaded up and drove an hour and a half into progressively harder and harder rains... in denial, I tell you, because we were looking for fun and beauty - it was our main objective - had to find something beautiful to make me happy... something fun to make Luke's vacation a vacation... and the rain just kept coming down... cold rain... windy rain. Really miserable wintery rain, not at all warm happy spring rain. Not the kind of rain you can ignore when you are wanting to tiptoe through the tulips. Not frolicking in the tulips taking beautiful pictures kind of rain at all. Especially if you left your raincoats and umbrellas at home... so we ended up turning around and coming home... driving back out of the rains until we got home where it was only cloudy just like the weather report had promised. But at least we can say we got out of the house and drove in a new direction had an adventure of some sort.
And then the best news of course, is that taxes are done and we are getting an nice little refund back - even after I deduct my tax-preparer's fee, which, let me just say, will be stiff and cost Frank way more than we would have paid our regular accountant. Maybe there's a trip to a warm beach in my near future after all...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
A Little Wish List of Sorts
I want to make these fun glass magnets. I want to buy these ramkins - though I don't know what I would use them for. I want this swirley pink t-shirt. I'm going to treat myself to a basket of these butter balls when my new bathtub is installed. I'll need a jar of these egg soaps too. My garden most definitely needs a chaise just like this one. I can see this rug in my studio, can't you? I may need this book to help me whip my new garden into shape. And along those lines, I don't think I can live without one of these dandelion weeders. Except I'll need two, or Luke will be fighting over it with me. I also want to plant a row of hedges or shrubs along my front yard, something that will grow under big cedars and firs. Some shoes I've been drooling over are on sale now. I want to make a Postcard for Peace. I want to go see the tulips.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Just some rainy day garden shots
So, it turned out my magnolia is mostly white with a little pink. I wonder if that's how it should be or if it needs some nutrition. I also want to plant some things under it - will they grow though? I need to do some garden homework I think.

Thursday, April 06, 2006
It started out as a way to get a dig in. My husband, for the past year or so, has used evey opportunity to rag on me about my Starbucks habit. When we first moved to the new house he took great joy in pointing out all the local Starbucks, as if he were doing me a favor, but really he was just poking his little barbs into me because he knew I knew he thought I was wasting so much money. I used to get pretty angry at him, because it's not like... well, you don't really want to hear my list of rationalizations do you?
But I don't let it get to me any more - I always say I already knew about that one or I've already tried that one out... or whatever. And I take every opportunity to leave little reminders of my addiction where he can find them. An empty Starbucks container in his car's cup holder, an empty snack bag in the back seat, a starbucks cup on the top of the trash on garbage day... etc. Luke is on to him too and helps me out.... "Dad, can we stop at Starbucks? I'm thirsty." Or, "Hey Guys, I see a Starbucks Queen, can we stop?" Oh, I love that boy. And the Starbucks gift card from the in-laws this Christmas - that was PRICELESS. I laughed and laughed. And enjoyed every penny that was on it.
Today Frank sent me a link with this ad.

My response, "Oh.... THAT'S tempting!" He just laughs now, because it has turned into a game. What he doesn't know, is I plan on kicking the habit one day soon. But then there is Luke to consider, I'm not so sure he's going to be as supportive as Frank when the time comes.
But I don't let it get to me any more - I always say I already knew about that one or I've already tried that one out... or whatever. And I take every opportunity to leave little reminders of my addiction where he can find them. An empty Starbucks container in his car's cup holder, an empty snack bag in the back seat, a starbucks cup on the top of the trash on garbage day... etc. Luke is on to him too and helps me out.... "Dad, can we stop at Starbucks? I'm thirsty." Or, "Hey Guys, I see a Starbucks Queen, can we stop?" Oh, I love that boy. And the Starbucks gift card from the in-laws this Christmas - that was PRICELESS. I laughed and laughed. And enjoyed every penny that was on it.
Today Frank sent me a link with this ad.
My response, "Oh.... THAT'S tempting!" He just laughs now, because it has turned into a game. What he doesn't know, is I plan on kicking the habit one day soon. But then there is Luke to consider, I'm not so sure he's going to be as supportive as Frank when the time comes.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
five things that made me smile today
1. Packing my bag of art supplies for art class.
2. The two men who stand on the over pass every day holding up signs that say "End Iraq War Now" and "Impeach Bush and Cheney".
3. Listening to the "Happy Lemons" cd by Ralph's World with Luke.
4. Picking up a mocha at a Starbucks drive-thru.
5. Sitting in my new yard with my dogs admiring all my spring blooms and listening to the birds sing.
2. The two men who stand on the over pass every day holding up signs that say "End Iraq War Now" and "Impeach Bush and Cheney".
3. Listening to the "Happy Lemons" cd by Ralph's World with Luke.
4. Picking up a mocha at a Starbucks drive-thru.
5. Sitting in my new yard with my dogs admiring all my spring blooms and listening to the birds sing.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Good News
We have managed to get past the negotiations stage and the Tree House is officially sold, pending financing and all that. We can start moving our stuff up to Edmonds now. Life is going to start getting back to normal soon.
Number Geekery
Tomorrow, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. And in our (Pacific) time zone, it will be 01:02:03 04/05/06 GMT-07. This won't happen again until 3006. Fun hu?
Today's to-do list includes:
Website work for client
List a pendant and some charms on my site
Go to bank
Beach run
Obviously I'm looking forward to the last one the most. I think I should do them in reverse order.
Today's to-do list includes:
Website work for client
List a pendant and some charms on my site
Go to bank
Beach run
Obviously I'm looking forward to the last one the most. I think I should do them in reverse order.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Two Cats
I don't think I've written about what's going on in the cats' world here - you knew Amber was in the chimney, and then in the floor, and I think I've said she's out of the floor and under the bed now. Well, she's also in my pj drawer sometimes, and she comes up on the bed and sleeps with us at night, lets us pet her and brush her and she's very happy with this arrangement. She tolerates the dogs if they don't get too close, though she still draws blood from Zoe's nose, but that's only because Zoe won't learn to keep her nose at a safe distance. She's like a vampire though, only coming out after dark and then disappearing again at sunrise. Except this morning - after Frank got up and I was laying there deciding how I was going to face this 'nuther day... she jumped back up and purred and purred and purred (and drooled and drooled). She's getting the hang of being and indoor cat, that's for sure.
Except Tyger's not having any of this extra cat thing. He hates her. Hates that she is on his bed, hates that she gets the attention that should be just his, that she purrs louder than him, that she leaves her fur everywhere, that she's always in the best spot before him. And so he will take a running jump and bomb her on the bed - knocking her off and then duke it out with her under the bed. This happens at least once a night, if not twice.
Sometimes he will also sneak up and surprise all of us and it's not the sweet baby Tyger I know jumping up on the bed with extreme stealth - it's this Wild Tiger with muscles and strength and an iron will and gnashing teeth, with his neck stretched out as long as it is physically possible - looking like the wild mustangs on PBS when they are trying to scare away the competition - snaking, I think it's called. And then I know there is going to be a cat fight right on the bed in front of my face and I have to make them both get off before blood is drawn and it would most likely be mine.
I've been working with Tyger to let him know he still has top-cat-spot in my heart and this morning he jumped up on the bed with me because usually Amber is hidden away in her vampire den by this time of day and so he was surprised this time to find he was not the only cat with this grand idea of extra love in the morning and Amber was the one who started the growling and hissing this time.
Today the new big bed comes. I am thinking it's going to be so comfortable and spacious that there will be plenty of room for two cats - more than enough room - and they will soon get past this bickering and fighting. Well, ok.... but I can dream can't I?
(Update: New bed came. Tyger is thrilled to have old comforter, favorite fleece shirt to lay on, and is happily installed on bed again, though with wary eye out for intruders. This after a month of putting him on the bed only to have him jump off in a huff. Good sign!)
Except Tyger's not having any of this extra cat thing. He hates her. Hates that she is on his bed, hates that she gets the attention that should be just his, that she purrs louder than him, that she leaves her fur everywhere, that she's always in the best spot before him. And so he will take a running jump and bomb her on the bed - knocking her off and then duke it out with her under the bed. This happens at least once a night, if not twice.
Sometimes he will also sneak up and surprise all of us and it's not the sweet baby Tyger I know jumping up on the bed with extreme stealth - it's this Wild Tiger with muscles and strength and an iron will and gnashing teeth, with his neck stretched out as long as it is physically possible - looking like the wild mustangs on PBS when they are trying to scare away the competition - snaking, I think it's called. And then I know there is going to be a cat fight right on the bed in front of my face and I have to make them both get off before blood is drawn and it would most likely be mine.
I've been working with Tyger to let him know he still has top-cat-spot in my heart and this morning he jumped up on the bed with me because usually Amber is hidden away in her vampire den by this time of day and so he was surprised this time to find he was not the only cat with this grand idea of extra love in the morning and Amber was the one who started the growling and hissing this time.
Today the new big bed comes. I am thinking it's going to be so comfortable and spacious that there will be plenty of room for two cats - more than enough room - and they will soon get past this bickering and fighting. Well, ok.... but I can dream can't I?
(Update: New bed came. Tyger is thrilled to have old comforter, favorite fleece shirt to lay on, and is happily installed on bed again, though with wary eye out for intruders. This after a month of putting him on the bed only to have him jump off in a huff. Good sign!)
Saturday, April 01, 2006
April Showers
April showers bring May flowers. They are also bringing us a big headache. No UHaul trucks or trailers avaialble to get that old bed up here so they can take it away when they drop off the new one.
Five Good Things:
(having a hard time with this today)
1. It's April.
2. Luke is thrilled it's April's Fools Day.
3. Zoe is "talking" to Luke and loving on him and he's loving on her back.
4. It's a beautiful rain, too bad it's not the kind of lazy day where we can enjoy and appreciate it.
5. It's Saturday.
Five Good Things:
(having a hard time with this today)
1. It's April.
2. Luke is thrilled it's April's Fools Day.
3. Zoe is "talking" to Luke and loving on him and he's loving on her back.
4. It's a beautiful rain, too bad it's not the kind of lazy day where we can enjoy and appreciate it.
5. It's Saturday.
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