I'm spending the week with my grandma so that my mother can go on a much needed vacation. So far, things have not been all that difficult or unpleasant, and I'm very thankful for that.
I'm fascinated too, by the what my grandmother is creating these days. I've shared some of her art on this blog before, she's a fine artist and a fiber artist... she's got an amazing work of art, much of which is hanging in my home. She can't remember how to cook, needs reminders to eat, forgets she's got a great-grandson named Luke, and all that other stuff... but she's got her creative process down cold, even if her art is not what it used to be. These days she is working much smaller than she used to, on plastic backing instead of cloth. Things are very modern, abstract, sometimes very chaotic, sometimes simple and soothing. She uses a LOT of red and yellow and purple - red seems to be a color that attracts her more than anything. I have a feeling these are little glimpses into her mind, what remains of it, anyway.
This is Grandma. Sitting and sewing her work, and, standing, drawing a design for her newest one:

Here are just some of the works she has completed since last October when she moved into my mom's home.

(PS. I'm still working toward my 500 Beads for Alzheimer's goal - I've sold 147 so far this year, once I reach 500, I'll be cutting a check for $500 and mailing it off to an Alzheimer's Association. A big, BIG 'thank you' to everyone who has purchased one of my beads!)