Friday, March 24, 2006

Random Stuff

Today we are having the kind of weather that old expression was inspired by: "If you don't like the weather, give it 5 minutes". Rain, sun. Grey, Blue. windy, calm. Sun, rain. And then it changes again. Right now it's sunny. Oh wait. Yup, here comes the rain again. I should think there would be a few rainbows thrown in the mix.

My husband thinks he's going to build a garage from a kit. Sounds kind of fun maybe. I like this one. I'll have to get a weather vane of course - I think I want a blackbird sitting on a heart - I guess I'll probably have to have it custom made.

He also thinks he's going to rebuild my compressor pump. Maybe he can? I'll be ever grateful, especially if it doesn't take a month or two. I'm already grateful that he cleaned my oven for me, saving me from toxic fumes. What a great guy, hu? It truly sparkles. I think I'm just not going to bake from now until we move out.

I'm loving Burt's Bee's Green Goddess Clay mask. Try it - I bet you love it too.

Back to weathervanes. The crow/heart is good, but now I'm thinking maybe a bunch of cats sitting on a fence, singing to the moon? Or... hmn... an orca, maybe, since we are near the beach? OR!!! Flames!!!! Haha... I'll have to draw out some ideas and run it by the "committee" aka, the family. Luke is going to want a horse or a dog. Maybe a flying dog?! Frank is going to want a boat, but I think he'd be into the flames too. Maybe we will need more than one weathervane.

Or maybe what we really need is a Widow's Walk! Ooooh, wouldn't that be cool - I bet we could see the water from up there even. I've ALWAYS wanted a house with a widow's walk. Ever since I was a tiny little girl living at the cape. We would drive past those old houses and every time I would tell my mother someday I was going to have a house with one of those.

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