See that over-hang, up there? Isn't that BRILLIANT for Seattle's 9 month long rainy season? I can stand under there and feed and water and even change their bedding and not get drenched! Nice, right?

We also got our North and South vent windows made. These will have flap doors as soon as I get hinges.

Zoe seriously thinks this thing is cool. She hopes it's a dog house.

See what she's sitting on? Luke and his friend Lilly drew those pictures - very nice.

And finally the roof was up, though this photo only shows it 3/4's done. Shingles soon!

Very nice work and design. We started building our coop this weekend but got only as far as the frame and two sides. Ours is much simpler than yours, but a bit bigger for the coop as we've got 4 birds. I love your coop! Mine has only a 1 foot overhang for the wet weather, though I MAY change the door hinges to be at the top to create a roof when I service it. Not sure. Thanks for sharing and good luck finishing your project!
ReplyDeleteSo cool, have never seen such a cute coop before.
Love your coop! We are just starting on the chick journey. Researching coops and chicks. Trying to decide if we can make this work. Today I talked to a friend and she said rats are attracted to the feed so now I am completely freaked out! Have you heard of this?
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to following along on your journey!